Seven Prejudices About Inbound Marketing

Faced with the proliferation of digital tools and the evolution of consumer behaviour, companies must now adapt to their target and offer them relevant content while remaining respectful of their privacy.

Inbound marketing, a technique that improves the company’s image and engages its visitors with content tailored to their interests, is becoming more and more essential.

Nevertheless, this marketing strategy must face specific received ideas.

Refractory or not, this article will shed new light on you and, we hope, will dispel your prejudices.

1: “I already have content thanks to my website.”

The content on your site, called cold content, showcases your business and your business. It does not necessarily answer the issues of your personas.

When prospects are looking for information, it’s essential to provide them with what they need when they are wondering so that they don’t look elsewhere.

To talk about their issues and their “stones in the shoe”, you can create blog articles, organize webinars, publish a white paper, expert opinions, infographics or even videos (it’sit’s an effective format to capture attention, where consumers are increasingly overwhelmed with information and always in a hurry).

It’sIt’s up to you to find the best way to answer your prospects questions.

2: “We are already doing inbound marketing because we have created a blog.”

We must not confuse content marketing with inbound marketing. Of course, content creation is an essential first step to attract leads and be better referenced, but inbound marketing goes even further.

Inbound marketing is rethinking the way companies communicate by letting the customer come to them. This method involves the creation of blog articles but not that. It requires, in particular, the implementation of a well-defined strategy! Inbound marketing goes further because it responds to a ROIste vision of your digital system ( making your website a real business lever ).

For this, inbound marketing implements other bricks:

  • Qualification and segmentation of your leads
  • Creation of targeted content according to your different personas and their purchasing journey
  • Use of social networks
  • Nurturing your prospects
  • Align sales reps with your marketing g team

Also Read: SEO For eCommerce: 5 Tips To Boost Your Traffic

3: “I know what my customers want and it is the commercial approach and the product offer that will allow me to offer them the offer they are looking for.”

That’s right, but what do you do with prospects who have not yet made up their minds in their act of purchase?

If a prospect is contacted when they are not yet ready in their buying decision, you may end up with inconclusive results.

Converting a prospect to a customer takes time, and decision-making can take longer from one person to another. It is essential to provide him with information that will feed his project and position himself at the right time, neither too early nor too late.

Therefore, inbound marketing intervenes upstream, as a support to the sales department, to identify your prospects with high potential and make your prospecting efficient.

Also, do you know what your customer wants? Between what you imagine and reality, there can be a difference.

To make sure you know their real needs, you can define buyer personas and conduct some interviews with your customers and prospects that will allow you to adapt your content according to their expectations.

The sales team is essential to close sales and build customer loyalty. Still, its association with the marketing department is necessary to get to know your prospects better and contact them at the right time.

4: “Inbound marketing costs too much.”

Some companies believe that such a strategy is too expensive and will not make any money.

The production of content can be expensive initially, both in time and money. But building a content strategy today has become essential to develop your visibility and generate potential leads.

Inbound marketing allows you to bring qualified prospects to your site and then convert them into customers through strategy development, content creation, marketing automation software, and implementation. ”measuring tools. This methodology, therefore, requires resources, but it ultimately allows the return on investment ( initially, you will be able to identify previously anonymous visitors; after a few weeks, these contacts will become your clients and these clients. ambassadors).

Inbound marketing can also help you reduce your acquisition costs on other digital marketing levers such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads, paid methods.

It is possible to optimize the implementation of inbound marketing without spending your entire budget by creating content in-house and bringing in experts from your company to support your marketing team. Also, do not hesitate to use already existing content by updating them if necessary.

5: “The results are not fast enough.”

Indeed, as we mentioned previously, inbound is a long-term methodology. Efforts should therefore be concentrated on the first months; Once the machine is launched, you will gain more and more prospects, and you will then perceive concrete results (turnover).

Inbound is a method that takes time because you have to think about and implement a coherent and solid strategy. With patience, this strategy pays off.

6: “I don’tdon’t want to divulge our know-how to competitors.”

Instead, think about the potential customers you will attract with your advice, case studies, information about your products or services, analyzes, etc.

If your prospects are interested in what you offer them and they get into the habit of reading you, they’ll be more likely to think about your brand when they feel the need to. Publishing content is an excellent way to gain notoriety and generate qualified contacts.

If you don’t, some might do it before you!

Also Read: 4 Marketing Tactics To Keep Customers Engaged On Social Media

7: “We are experts in our topics and are the only ones who know our job well. Using an agency will not work.”

Your expertise is a real strength for your business.

We can promote your company and personalize your business content thanks to our expert B to B content team, specializing in inbound marketing and account-based marketing.

Indeed, expert content is at the heart of the inbound marketing strategy, and our goal is to bring you relevant, personalized and high added value content! The promotional formats and channels we use are tailored to those used by your personas. The content we write is optimized for SEO, and we also take care of the design of both the site, your blog and your downloadable content.

Although inbound marketing is often subject to preconceived ideas, you will understand that this strategy continues to demonstrate its effectiveness, adapting to each type of business and generating lasting results.

The impact of this strategy goes beyond the generation of qualified leads. It improves your visibility and transforms your processes!

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