How to Draw Deku: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Drawing Deku, the beloved protagonist from “My Hero Academia,” can be an exciting and fulfilling artistic endeavor. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting out, this step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process of creating your own rendition of this iconic character.

Introduction to Drawing Deku

Deku, also known as Izuku Midoriya, has captured the hearts of fans worldwide with his determination and heroism. As the main character of the popular manga and anime series “My Hero Academia,” Deku’s journey from a quirkless boy to a formidable hero serves as an inspiration to many. Given his popularity, learning how to draw Deku can be a rewarding experience for fans and aspiring artists alike.

Gathering Necessary Materials

Before diving into the drawing process, it’s essential to gather the necessary materials. You’ll need high-quality paper suitable for sketching, as well as a range of pencils for sketching and shading. Additionally, having a good eraser on hand is crucial for making corrections along the way.

Sketching the Basic Outline Deku

Begin by sketching the basic outline of Deku’s figure. Pay close attention to proportions, using light strokes to outline his body and pose. It’s helpful to start with simple shapes to establish the overall structure before adding details.

Adding Facial Features

Next, focus on Deku’s facial features. Start with the eyes, carefully drawing their shape and placement. Then, sketch the nose and mouth, paying attention to their positioning relative to the eyes. Deku’s expression is an essential aspect of capturing his character, so take your time to get it just right.

Detailing the Hair

Deku’s distinctive hairstyle is another key element of his appearance. Break down his hair into individual strands, using reference images if needed to capture its unique shape and texture. Don’t be afraid to add depth and volume to the hair to make it appear more lifelike.

Drawing the Costume Deku

Once the facial features and hair are in place, move on to drawing Deku’s costume. Outline the design of his hero suit, including any details such as emblems or accessories. Pay attention to creases and folds in the fabric to give the costume a sense of movement and dimension.

Refining the Sketch

With the basic elements of the drawing in place, take the time to refine the sketch. Erase any unnecessary guidelines or stray marks, and enhance the details to make the drawing more polished and cohesive.

Inking the Final Sketch

Once you’re satisfied with the pencil sketch, it’s time to ink the final drawing. Use a fine-tipped pen or marker to carefully outline the main features of the drawing, such as Deku’s figure and costume. Vary the line weight to add depth and dimension to the artwork.

Erasing Guidelines Deku

After the ink has dried, carefully erase any remaining pencil guidelines from the drawing. Use a gentle touch to avoid smudging the ink, and take your time to ensure that the final artwork looks clean and professional.

Adding Shadows and Highlights

To add depth and dimension to the drawing, consider adding shadows and highlights. Pay attention to the direction of light source and use shading techniques to create contrast and volume. Experiment with different pencil grades to achieve the desired effect.

Final Touches

With the main elements of the drawing complete, take a step back and evaluate the artwork as a whole. Make any final adjustments or additions as needed to ensure that the drawing is balanced and visually appealing.

Review and Adjustments Deku

Once you’re satisfied with the final drawing, take some time to review it with a critical eye. Look for any areas that may need further refinement or correction, and make adjustments as necessary. Don’t be afraid to seek feedback from others to help improve your skills as an artist.

Sharing Your Artwork

Once your drawing is complete, consider sharing it with others on social media or art communities online. Sharing your artwork can be a great way to connect with fellow fans and artists, and receive feedback and encouragement on your work.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When drawing Deku or any other character, there are some common mistakes to be aware of. Avoid rushing through the process and take your time to ensure accuracy and attention to detail. Additionally, pay attention to proportions and anatomy to create a more realistic and believable drawing.

FAQs on Drawing Deku

  • Q: Is it necessary to have prior drawing experience to follow this tutorial?

A: While prior drawing experience can be helpful, this tutorial is designed to be accessible to artists of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced.

  • Q: How long does it typically take to complete a drawing of Deku using this tutorial?

A: The time it takes to complete a drawing can vary depending on individual skill level and attention to detail. However, most artists can expect to spend several hours on a detailed drawing.

  • Q: Are there any specific techniques recommended for shading and highlighting?

A: Experiment with different shading techniques, such as cross-hatching or stippling, to achieve the desired effect. Pay attention to the direction of light source and use highlights sparingly to add contrast and depth to the drawing.

  • Q: Can I customize Deku’s pose or costume while following this tutorial?

A: Absolutely! Feel free to customize the drawing to your liking, whether it’s adjusting the pose or adding your own unique flair to Deku’s costume.

  • Q: What should I do if I make a mistake while drawing Deku?

A: Don’t be discouraged by mistakes! Art is all about learning and experimentation. If you make a mistake, simply erase it or make corrections as needed to achieve the desired result.


Drawing Deku can be a fun and rewarding experience for fans of “My Hero Academia” and aspiring artists alike. By following this step-by-step tutorial, you can create your own impressive rendition of this beloved character and hone your artistic skills in the process.