Improve Production Planning: How Companies Can Expand Their Planning Horizons

From tiered planning to adaptive planning to the Unified Collaboration Matrix (UCM), that is, software development.

  • A software house shows how much optimization is possible in production planning.
  • Production can be improved without manipulating ERP or ME systems.
  • Instead, APS systems are to be expanded and surpassed.

In an elaborate project at the automotive supplier Läpple Blechteileverarbeitung, Heilbronn, the Berghof Group, At the beginning of the project, there was a potential analysis with subsequent parameter tuning. The following change in the logistics approaches in the ERP system required a complete overhaul of the needs assessment. To get a residue-free system, the Berghof specialists had to take care of the residue resolution as a matter of priority – a classic task for the Berghof DPA II module. Fluctuations due to coordination problems in multi-level supply chains were balanced in DPA III using a long-term capacity forecast. Only after all of this had been done – changes, network formation, mastery of capacities, bottlenecks and staff – was the control centre of the ERP system set up again. This worked entirely differently in one fell swoop, namely optimized and highly successful.

Production Planning: Tiered And Adaptive

The basis for this success was formed by the project sequence described, which Steffen Berghof calls the “model of stepped planning” . What is calculated on the simulation platform is entered in the controllers of the ERP system, which in turn report their results to the forum. To extend the planning horizons, adaptive rough planning has been introduced via the simulation platform. In principle, all data is already in the central planning of the ERP system the day after the offer is prepared so that the next stage, the impact analysis and the dispatch of orders can be carried out. One of the essential aspects of this project’s success was the expansion and lengthening of the planning horizons. Just as an obstacle cannot be seen at a certain distance in the low beam when driving a car, it becomes visible in the high beam. The driver can react in good time and take appropriate measures. How does it work in the company?

The elements of adaptive control require an ERP system, adaptive controllers such as the Berghof modules SRM (an automated mechanism), DPA (dynamic production adjustment) and CTP (capable-to-promise), as well as a parallel simulation platform. The simulation platform sparked an idea at Steffen Berghof: “We had the idea of ​​calculating something on the simulation platform that does not yet exist in the ERP system. From this, adaptive rough planning developed first.” Helpful instruments in production planning are sales planning and production program planning, type representatives and other prognoses, for example, with the SRM tool.

Planning Basics To Broaden Horizons In Mechanical And Plant Engineering

Therefore, it was clear that if you want to expand the planning horizons, for example, in mechanical and plant engineering, you need a corresponding planning basis. The basic idea was to turn the plant manufacturer into a highly varied make-to-order manufacturer and have his plan based on similarities. “The air is now getting pretty thin in most ERP systems because they do project management that is decoupled from the structures in the ERP system,”. After the project management, someone from the work preparation department creates the work plans, then a designer prepares the parts lists, and finally, the production follows. “We said to each other that we would do it all in one”,.

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Production Planning – Close Feedback From The Simulation To The Primary Data

Based on type representatives, planning is first carried out, then substituted, everything in the same planning scenario and everything on a simulation platform. “At some point, all type representatives will be replaced by the right MRP structures. In the meantime, however, the next type of representatives are coming from previous sales and planning continues,”. The planning horizon had already been significantly expanded and qualified. In addition, the methods of classic sales planning can be used because the same software components are used there according to the corresponding principle. The Berghof team was finally able to standardize all ingredients in a standard matrix, the Unified Collaboration Matrix (UCM). Now, in the stepped production planning, it was possible to build up quick feedback all at once , including feedback from the simulation to the primary data. A function that didn’t exist before.

This led to order network extensions, at which point these networks were classified again. This is how the flow was created. In addition to weighted order dispatching, new congestion management resulted, significantly expanding compared to the classic TOC (Theory of Constraints) approach. The shop floor can now be organized and optimized completely differently thanks to the weighted, electricity-generated orders with primary requirements. To do this, however, the networks also have to be continuously refined, but by no means only at the control centre level.

Refinements In The MES Area Are Not Necessary

There is no need for any refinements in the MES area if classification is carried out at an earlier point in time. You can optimize much better in the smaller and faster systems than if you transfer a poorly differentiated data block to the control centre. It is precisely this block that Berghof uses its new methods to break down virtually in advance into a batch size of 1, a calculation process that takes only seconds and provides all the relevant information. In production, they have finally summarized again, depending on the situation. That means, for example: In this operation, we produce a lot often, in the procedure we make a lot of five, in the process, we complete a lot.

Production planning – patterns of processes run in the event of problems.

For the company’s success, it is essential to learn faster than others. Therefore, modern, digital companies outperform their traditional competitors in terms of lower latency times. If, for example, a problem arises, a pattern of processes such as data collection, analysis, countermeasures, and the onset of action usually takes place. Time passes, and there are delays and losses in value. The winners will now be those who can significantly reduce their response times. For this purpose, there are essential technological elements in the context of Industry 4.0, such as real-time capability,

Schuh formulated another requirement to transition to digitization: The key levers must be identified to carry out the digital transformation successfully. The Impact Analyzes are used for precisely this purpose – see the tiered planning. It is not that interesting what is in the ERP system. It is more important how you have to act or react now – up-to-date, acute. Often missing parts lists are kept regularly, but they usually do not lead to satisfactory conclusions or actions. However, a missing parts analysis should be carried out, followed by a nonexistent parts ranking, from which an acute need for action is then derived.

The Internet Of Production As The Basis For The New Method

In a graphic , Schuh showed the infrastructure of the Internet of Production, which should form the basis for new methods of holistic work. On the lower, light blue level, you can see raw data and all conceivable expert systems such as ERP, MES, CRM, PDM, BDE and other well-known programs. On the top, dark blue level, agents such as adaptive systems, the Berghof modules, and intelligent experts such as mobile solutions appear. The networking of these two levels, shown in the green level as Middleware +, is essential in this entire system. The Group is already offering initial results in the form of its Unified Collaboration Matrix .

Above the Middleware +, you can see, among other things, correlation analyzes and learning algorithms, i.e. artificial intelligence, as well as the digital shadow. In this area, appropriate tools can significantly expand the planning horizons, and the impact analyzes to identify the critical levers with much more reliable results. The entire system is constantly learning, becoming faster and more reliable. The trend for Berghof is moving more and more towards standardization and fast computing. The topics of real-time calculation and real-time intervention are the absolute focus, even in long-term planning. The advantage for companies is uniform planning over an extended, longer planning horizon.

Problems and bottlenecks in production planning can be identified much earlier, and there is more time to act on them. In this way, faults are eliminated at an early stage, which those responsible otherwise only recognize in the MES area and then expect the MES system to do something. If you now historicalize the data from the long planning horizons, the long life of a planning process, you can also learn a lot. You can determine statistically secured correlations and switch to artificial intelligence to find a company’s essential levers and permanently remove restrictions.

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